The problem of ‘loud but not clear’
We’ve all experienced it… you’re sat on a call and peoples’ voices can be difficult to make out through the loudspeaker. You turn up the volume to see if that helps but it just makes it worse.
Straining to listen to what’s being said when you can’t hear voices clearly is tiring. We often blame the connection, the microphone, or the software, but always overlook the loudspeaker.
Over time, demand for higher bass response means most loudspeakers aren’t ideal for listening to the human voice. The consequence is that other acoustic benchmarks like low distortion or good impulse response are pushed aside. A loudspeaker may be pleasant for entertainment applications but underperform in speech reproduction.
As the human ear is far more sensitive to audio quality on speech signals than to any other, getting this part right is vital to support quality communication. If it’s not, we lean in closer or turn up the volume, leading to sound fatigue and loss of engagement.
CrystalVox gives you articulate and intelligible speech using the latest advancements in acoustic design.

The CrystalVox Solution
CrystalVox loudspeakers are optimised for delivering the clearest and most natural spoken word.
Video: A closer look at Loqui

The internal components are engineered, manufactured and assembled with great care to achieve the most realistic listening experience.
Even the speaker cabinets are mechanically and geometrically optimised to eliminate interfering vibration and resonances.

3mm extruded aluminium enclosure

Honeycomb sandwich woofer diaphragm
CrystalVox speakers use highly innovative and proprietary transducers like planar magnetic drivers and honeycomb sandwich diaphragm woofers. While requiring a great level of attention in the setup process, these high performances devices will deliver outstanding level of acoustic presence and realism.
Why CrystalVox is Different…
- Carefully tuned high-frequency playback to remove sibilance (the hissing sound)
- Evenly distributed sound waves to ensure sound quality remains constant, even when someone is listening off-axis
- The outstanding authenticity of the sound generated makes it easy to distinguish voices of people in large meetings
Without CrystalVox

With CrystalVox

Evenly distributed sound waves to ensure sound quality remains constant, even when someone is listening off-axis.
To find out more about how CrystalVox can bring striking speech clarity to your next virtual meeting, contact us:
Email: info@crystalvox.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0) 20 8391 2000